Bulk shipping is the most fuel-efficient and carbon-efficient form of transport per metric tonne carried. However, continuing to reduce greenhouse gases and other air pollutants generated from our operations is a critical part of our operational and environmental strategy.

Berge Bulk leads the bulk carrier industry in reducing fuel emissions and carbon-offsetting. As an early member of the Getting to Zero Coalition, we are committed to developing commercially viable, deep-sea zero-emission vessels (powered by zero-emission fuels), and having them operational by 2030.

Carbon Neutral by 2025

We have made the ambitious commitment of becoming carbon neutral by 2025, and we are one of the first bulk carriers to do so. Leading the way in hull design, engine efficiency and fuel efficiency, we have launched the worlds’ most fuel-efficient bulk carriers: Berge Logan and Berge Mafadi.

Most Energy Efficient Bulk Carriers

Berge Logan also achieved a Rightship A+ rating, and an Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) that is 20% below the baseline. She ranks as the most energy-efficient bulk carrier in the world and was featured in Significant Ships of 2019 – an annual publication from the Royal Institution of Naval Architects.

Berge Logan

Berge Logan — the most energy-efficient bulk carrier in the world