Offset Your Carbon

Carbon Offset Voyages

Bulk shipping is the most fuel-efficient and carbon-efficient form of transport per metric tonne carried.

Despite this, shipping operations generate carbon emissions, and reducing these greenhouse gases and other air pollutants is a critical part of our environmental strategy.

Berge Bulk leads the bulk carrier industry in efficient ship design and efficient operations. We are committed to the development and deployment of commercially viable deep-sea zero-emission vessels by 2030.

We have made the ambitious commitment to offset 100% of our scope 1 emissions by 2025 at the latest, and we are one of the first bulk carriers to do so.

We are also investing in potential future energy solutions that will help the shipping industry offset its carbon more quickly. And we are well ahead of the IMO’s timeline for emissions reduction.

But we need to do more…

Be good to the planet

Helping you offset your supply chain emissions

Berge Bulk’s Offset Plan

How it works

Carbon Offsets

We now offer our clients an option for carbon offset cargo delivery. Through this programme, we offset the carbon emissions of the voyage with high-grade carbon offsets. To facilitate this, we have built a global portfolio of carbon offset projects.

Variety of Projects

Our carbon offset portfolio includes projects that plant new trees and protect against deforestation, projects that produce renewable energy, and projects that work with low-income communities to reduce emissions in their way of life.

Accredited Projects

These projects are measured and monitored by the highest standards of leading international entities. All of our offset projects are certified to meet either the Gold Standard (GS) or the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) accreditation.

Fully Certified

Upon completion of the voyage, we will issue a certificate of retirement as evidence that the corresponding number of carbon credits have been retired to offset the voyage emissions.

Get in Balance…

It couldn’t be simpler… offset your CO2 emissions in these three simple steps:


Get our team to calculate the emissions from your voyages.


Choose which projects you want to support with your offset.


Get Verified Carbon Units Certificate of Retirement.

Yes, I want to offset

Carbon Offset Voyages in Action

Offsetting the emissions of a voyage from USA to Chile

Utilising carbon credits from the Cordillera Azul REDD+ Project — a forest protection project in central Peru — we offset this voyage for our customer Emporos…

Why Not Offset Your Voyages Too?

Join us on our journey to help change the world

We are delighted that some of our customers are joining us and making voluntary carbon contributions that help us offset their environmental impact. You can join them too…

Get in Balance…

Got a Question?

Some FAQs…

A carbon offset voyage means that for every tonne of CO2 emitted by a Berge Bulk vessel on a particular voyage, we make sure we’re reducing a tonne as well. We do this by supporting carbon offset projects which avoid CO2 emissions (e.g. solar, wind, and hydro power), or projects that physically remove CO2 from the air (e.g. tree planting).

Carbon offsetting is the term used for mitigating carbon emissions from the atmosphere to compensate for those emitted elsewhere. Carbon can be offset in this way because one tonne of CO2 has the same climate impact wherever it is emitted.

A carbon credit is a tradable unit that represents one tonne of CO2 avoided or absorbed.

We have built a global portfolio of carbon credits from various offset projects. Our carbon offset portfolio includes projects that plant new trees and protect against deforestation, projects that produce renewable energy, and projects that work with low-income communities to reduce emissions in their way of life.

We are supporting projects in the countries that are closest to the hearts of our colleagues and our clients including Australia, Brazil, India, China, Philippines, and more.

These projects are measured and monitored by the highest standards of leading international entities. All of our offset projects are certified to meet either the Gold Standard (GS), or the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) accreditation.

Bulk shipping is the most fuel-efficient and carbon-efficient form of transport per metric tonne carried. Our focus on innovation has always ensured that we have one of the most modern and efficient fleets at sea. We have even committed to develop and deploy a zero-emissions vessel by 2030. But we need to do more. We know that carbon offsetting is only an interim measure while new technologies are developed. However, at the moment we believe it’s the most responsible way to balance our environmental footprint.

When Berge Bulk customers elect to participate in our Carbon Offset Voyage programme, they can report that scope 3 emissions in their own supply chains have been offset.

The cost of a carbon credit depends on the type of project that has generated the credit. Generally, carbon credits from renewable energy projects (e.g. wind, solar, or hydro) are cheaper than carbon credits from forestry projects (e.g. afforestation, reforestation, or avoided deforestation).

Clients who choose to offset their voyage, will pay a premium on the standard freight rate to offset the emissions of the voyage. The cost for each voyage will depend primarily on two factors: (1) the fuel consumption of the voyage; and (2) the type of carbon credit preferred.

To request for a personalised price quotation on a specific voyage, please contact:

Yes, Absolutely!

Berge Bulk customers who opt for a carbon offset voyage, can select from our portfolio of carbon offset projects to be applied to the emissions from the voyage.

We calculate the greenhouse gas emissions individually for each voyage of each vessel using industry standard emissions factors. These emissions factors vary based on fuel type used.

Berge Bulk is already well ahead of the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) target to reduce carbon intensity by 40% by 2030 (vs 2008 baseline). In 2020, Berge Bulk commissioned a study by ABS to assess its carbon emissions efficiency against a 2008 baseline. The fleet’s annual efficiency ratio (AER) in 2008 was 5.2 g CO2/tonne mile, by the end of 2020, it had reduced to 3.04 g CO2/tonne mile. This represents a 42% improvement in Berge Bulk’s fleet efficiency.

In 2020, as part of Berge Bulk’s Blue Matters sustainability strategy, the company announced ambitious commitments to…

  • Offset 100% of our scope 1 emissions by 2025 (at the latest).
  • Build and operate a zero emissions vessel by 2030.
  • Achieve zero emissions fleetwide by 2050.

What Does this Mean for you?

You can report that scope 3 emissions in your supply chain have been offset