Berge Annapurna
Berge Annapurna was added to the the series of four 262,000 DWT vessels of the Berge Bulk fleet. She was delivered on 21 July 2017 at 0950 hours (local Singapore time) and sails under the flag of Isle of Man on the routes between Australia and China.
As part of Berge Bulk’s effort to minimise impacts on the ocean and the environment, Berge Annapurna is installed with several energy-saving devices: the ENSaver, an energy monitoring software that provides a dashboard overview of all vital sensors to ensure the ship runs on optimum parameters; the rudder bulb and the Hub Vortex Absorbed Fins (HVAF), designed to reduce energy losses from the large propellers.
The vessel is also equipped with a Hull Monitoring System that enables the crew to monitor the stress responses in the hull during operations. It provides the crew with online information about the load margins. The data can also be post-processed to provide valuable input to fleet maintenance planning.
Berge Annapurna is named after a massif in the Himalayas in the north-central Nepal. At 8,091 metres above sea level, Annapurna is ranked the tenth highest mountain in the world.