Safeguarding Ecuador’s Coastal Forest

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Helping to safequard existing mangroves and rebuild those that have been lost

To help safeguard existing mangroves and rebuild those that have been lost, the Marshall Foundation has awarded $30,000 to WildAid to help in their mission to protect Ecuador’s mangrove forests.

Since 2015, WildAid Marine has worked with the Ecuadorian government and Conservation International to strengthen enforcement on a national level — benefitting 19 coastal Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Ecuador’s coast is home to 87,000 artisanal fishers and their families who depend on commercially valuable fish species for food and for their livelihoods. These fish, and other marine wildlife, are becoming scarce due to threats from illegal fishing and the degradation of coastal mangroves.

New Boat Increases Patrols

To support the WildAid Marine team in Ecuador, the Marshall Foundation purchased and delivered a new patrol boat, named Berge Chimborazo, in April 2022. The boat is being used to support community-led initiatives and to improve enforcement of the MPAs and mangrove forests in Ecuador. The boat has allowed the expansion of patrol operations, with consistent enforcement to deter illegal, unreported, unregulated fishing and other destructive activities.

The WildAid Marine team in Ecuador with their new patrol boat, the Berge Chimborazo.

Project Partners

WildAid inspires change and empowers the world to protect wildlife and vital habitats from critical threats including illegal wildlife trafficking, climate change, and illegal fishing.

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Our Biodiversity Projects

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Safeguarding Ecuador’s Coastal Forest

Safeguarding existing mangroves and rebuilding those lost

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